Statistical Modeling Consulting

Statistics Help-Modelling-Marketing United States | Europe | London

BSstats group which provides Statistics help, Statistics Modelling, Marketing Mix, Statistics Dissertation, Statistical Consulting, Predictive Modelling, Consulting operates in various countries, provides services to students, market research, and more. We are dedicated 24/7 to our customers.

BSstats group is a Statistical consulting company operated by a group of Statisticians who provide consulting in various areas like Statistics help, Statistics Modelling, Marketing Mix, Statistics Dissertation, Statistical Consulting, Predictive Modelling Market Research, SAS programming, and student help with homework thesis and dissertation.

BSstats group has expertise in various advanced statistical and marketing techniques like Marketing Mix Modeling, Discrete Choice Modeling, Optimization, Forecasting, Regression, Segmentation, etc… We have experience in many industries such as retail, manufacturing, academic, pharmaceutical, financial, services, etc. In addition, the BS stats group has experience in Web analytics, and big data analytics. At BS stats we pride ourselves on efficiency, hard work, and attention to detail from helping students solve homework problems to assisting companies in making informed decisions.

We offer our services to Market Research agencies as well as to Market Research departments of organizations, and Consulting companies.

To Market Research agencies, we provide Marketing Science support that can match the best in the world. Our team has several years of market research experience with leading agencies around the world.

Some common services we offer are:

  • Segmentation
  • Concept Screening
  • Concept Optimization
  • Product Optimization
  • Brand Image Analysis
  • Data Integration
  • Data Mining
  • Marketing Mix
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Price Sensitivity
  • Web Traffic Analysis

We also act as an outsourcing support to Market research departments and Consulting Companies, undertaking any of the following services:


Act as an extended arm of the Marketing / Market Research department

Write market research RFPs

Invite and evaluate proposals from Market Research agencies

Recommend the best agency for the task

Analyze internal or Syndicated research data

Integrate data from various sources

Products and Services:


Conjoint Plus

Loyalty Modeling

Credit Risk Analysis



Life Time Value

Predictive Modeling

Price Sensitivity

Discriminant PLUS
